Masterclass – Strategic IT decisions in times of transition: How to remodel the ship while sailing?


Masterclass – Strategic IT decisions in times of transition: How to remodel the ship while sailing?

Digitalization has made its entry in every segment of society, and technological developments are following one another in rapid succession. Your organization needs to deal with the changing environment. Whether you decide to pursue radical innovation for the long term or optimize business processes in the short term, the dependence on IT is inevitable and increasing.  

Bottom line, you are being confronted with two crucial questions:

  1. How to make strategic IT decisions for your organization to be successful in the short AND longer term?
  2. How to organize your IT function in such a way that you can execute the strategic choices?

In this Masterclass, that we are hosting on Wednesday the 26th of June 2019, you will learn how to remodel the ship, while it’s sailing. In other words, how do you simultaneously decide and organize for current operations, while preparing for the future?

The full-day program starts with a Strategic Portfolio Management Perspectiveon IT (Dr. Ir. Linda Kester, JigsEye) in which you will learn what it takes to make effective strategic IT decisions. Strategic Portfolio  Management enables you to see, at a glance: what you have as an organization, where you need to focus, and how to balance your projects and activities to prepare for a (fast changing) future.

Subsequently, the masterclass will deep dive on how to organize for the changing role of IT (Prof. Dr. Bart van den Hooff, KIN Center for Digital Innovation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and the implications for the organization. Based on recent research, we will discuss how to navigate the governance dilemmas inherent to (a) aligning strategic choices with IT operations, (b) combining IT’s traditional role with a digital business innovation role, and (c) scaling Agile (and DevOps, and BizDevOps) to a corporate level.

Price: €895 including lunch, drinks, and materials.

To find out more information, please clink here:

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