Queue-Free Future – Self Funded Female Start-Up

Order, pay and collect via your mobile!

Order, pay and collect via your mobile!

Self-Funded Founder delivers solution for social distancing.

London Photographer, Karla Gowlett, designed and self-funded Swift – a multi-venue ‘Queue-Free’ app – while juggling her photography career. As preparations built for an April launch to crowded bars and music venues, Covid19 pushed for a redirection.

The realisation that Swift could be adjusted as an ordering tool for social distancing wasn’t immediate. After investing all her savings into making Swift, Karla candidly remarks “In the first couple of weeks in lockdown I felt very low staring at the boxes of merchandise in my living room”. But after witnessing a local cafe serving queuing customers while wearing PPE, Karla realised that the issue of queuing hadn’t really vanished – it had transformed. And so must Swift.

With the encouragement of friends and discussions with the development team, Swift is back on track to provide the queue-free service it intended. Except now with a far wider audience! Adjustments to the app are have completed a waiting list of interested businesses is building to start by July!

With the free download for customers plus no subscription or set-up costs for the business, Swift’s Pay As You Go model is a fuss-free addition to any venue.

Swift: keeping your order social, safe and swift!

Quantum Momentum Ltd
4-17 Frederick Terrace
Unit 4 Ground Floor
London E8 4EW

Swift is run by Founder Karla Gowlett alongside the technical skills of development team Ucreate.
Photographer, Karla Gowlett, developed the concept for the app whilst queuing for a drink in 2016.

This release was published on openPR.

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