How Splitting Your Team Can Lower Stress and Improve Morale

Overcome Common Agile Pitfalls

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Two teams of five is not the same as one team of ten, says Tom Limoncelli. Sometimes, the “hard limits that come from organizational boundaries” can lessen cognitive load, reduce context switching, and keep team members from feeling overwhelmed. 

According to Limoncelli, benefits of splitting a team can also include:

  • Fewer communication paths 
  • Easier to achieve consensus 
  • Meetings are more efficient 

“By splitting into two teams, each can be more nimble, which the manager likes, and have a lower cognitive load, which the team likes. There is more opportunity for repetition, which lets people develop skills and demonstrate them. Altogether, this helps reduce stress and improve morale,” Limoncelli says.

Read more at ACM Queue.

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