12 Ways to Improve Enterprise Open Source Development

12 Ways to Improve Enterprise Open Source Development

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As open source continues to grow at the enterprise level, the need for an effective and impactful open source development strategy is essential, says The Linux Foundation. 

This article presents key takeaways from “A Road Map to Improve the Effectiveness and Impact of Enterprise Open Source Development,” a recent report by Ibrahim Haddad, Executive Director of LF AI & Data and Pytorch Foundation. 

The report outlines 12 ways enterprises can effectively participate in open source, including:

  • Adopt IT infrastructure that is supportive of open source development
  • Contribute strategically to commonly used projects 
  • Hire developers from the project’s community
  • Allocate time for upstream contributions
  • Set up a mentorship program
  • Implement innersource practices

Read more at The Linux Foundation.

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