Public preview: Azure Cache for Redis trigger for Azure Functions

Oracle enhances customer experience platform with a B2B refresh

Source is Azure Business News

Azure Cache for Redis can now be used as a trigger for Azure Functions, opening multitudes of possibilities for serverless app development. With this integration, an Azure Function can be triggered on a variety of Redis data types, including pub/sub channels, lists, and streams. Keyspace notifications and keyevent notifications are also supported, meaning that you can trigger Functions when a certain key is changed or when a chosen command is used. 

With Azure Functions integration, Azure Cache for Redis can now be used as a write-behind or write-through cache, automatically writing new values in the cache to a backing database. Likewise, Functions triggers can be used to keep a cache consistent with a database or storage account by triggering updates when a key expires or is updated. 

Learn more.

Source is Azure Business News

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