General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 23.10 expected on November 8

An encouraging new conversation around sustainable IT, says Nordic CIO

Source is Azure Business News

Azure Sphere OS version 23.10 is now available for evaluation in the Retail Eval feed. The retail evaluation period provides 14 days for backward compatibility testing. During this time, please verify that your applications and devices operate properly with this release before it is deployed broadly to devices in the Retail feed. The Retail feed will continue to deliver OS version 23.05 until we publish 23.10 in two weeks. 

The 23.10 release is a quality release for the OS and includes bug fixes and security updates. It does not include new OS features. 

For this release, the Azure Sphere OS contains an updated version of cURL. Azure Sphere OS provides long-term ABI compatibility, however the mechanisms of how cURL-multi operates, particularly with regard to recursive calls, have changed since the initial release of the Azure Sphere OS. Microsoft has performed additional engineering to provide backwards-compatibility to previously compiled applications to accommodate these changes. However, this is a special area of focus for compatibility release during this evaluation. If your application leverages cURL-multi (as indicated by the usage of the `curl_multi_add_handle ()` api) we would encourage you to perform additional testing against the 23.10 OS. These changes do not impact applications that use the cURL-easy interface (as indicated by the usage of `curl_easy_perform()` api.) 

Areas of special focus for compatibility testing with 23.10 include apps and functionality utilizing: 

  • cURL and cURL-multi 
  • wolfSSL, TLS-client and TLS-server 
  • Azure IoT, DPS, IoT Hub, IoT Central, Digital Twins, C SDK 
  • Mutual Authentication 

For more information on Azure Sphere OS feeds and setting up an evaluation device group, see Azure Sphere OS feeds and Set up devices for OS evaluation

For self-help inquiries or technical support, please review the Azure Sphere support options

Source is Azure Business News

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