Azure API Center Updates

Oracle enhances customer experience platform with a B2B refresh

Source is Azure Business News

We’re excited to introduce the latest update to Azure API Center, your comprehensive solution for inventorying and managing your organization’s APIs. This update enhances the Azure API Center extension for Visual Studio Code, empowering you to efficiently inventory APIs and conduct API design compliance checks directly within the Visual Studio Code environment. Already streamlining API discovery, trial, and consumption, the Azure API Center extension for Visual Studio Code now offers additional functionality to assist API producers. Additionally, we are unveiling a new API governance feature in API Center, enabling API linting and analysis based on customer-owned design guidelines

Visual Studio Code – Inventory APIs: Easily register APIs with API Center, either manually or by integrating a preconfigured CI/CD pipeline for GitHub or Azure DevOps into your project.

Visual Studio Code – Shift-Left API Design Compliance: Ensure design conformance with organizational API style guides (powered by Spectral). Linting output is displayed inline within the Visual Studio Code editor as well as in the Problems window.

API Governance – API Analysis: API governance is pivotal in upholding consistency, security, and quality throughout an organization’s API landscape. You can now enable API linting and analysis within your Azure API Center.

The API Analysis Report, a robust feature in API Center, facilitates the analysis of API definitions (such as OpenAPI files) against customer-owned design guidelines.

Source is Azure Business News

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