General Availability: Data API builder

VMware CEO tells enterprises to become 'cloud-smart' to speed up pace of digital transformation

Source is Azure Business News

After nearly three years in development, Data API builder (DAB) becomes generally available on May 15. The cross-platform, open-source engine is a no-code solution to add rich and secure GraphQL and REST endpoints for Azure SQL, SQL Server, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Azure Database for MySQL and on-prem PostgreSQL & MySQL databases.  

There’s no language requirement, no framework to install, and no cost. DAB meets developers where they are and gives them the opportunity to automatically and dramatically reduce their code bases, side-stepping the need to write or rewrite API CRUD logic, CRUD tests, and extensive DevOps pipelines. All while still getting secure, enterprise-scale endpoints without feature compromise.  

Learn more.  

Source is Azure Business News

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