Azure Static Web Apps offers new Dedicated plan in preview

Renault confirms Google as preferred cloud partner

Source is Azure Business News

To help customers deliver more advanced capabilities, Azure Static Web Apps now offers a Dedicated pricing plan (in preview) supporting enterprise-grade features for enhanced networking and data storage.  This functionality creates new opportunities for customers that are looking for a simplified option to host static and frontend web applications. 


The Dedicated plan for Static Web Apps utilizes dedicated compute capacity.  For preview, this includes: 

  • Data residency, to help customers comply with data management policies and requirements 
  • “Always-on” functionality for Static Web Apps managed functions, which provide built-in API endpoints to connect to backend services. 

For preview, the Dedicated plan will be available in the following regions:

  • East US 2, Central US, West US 2, East Asia

Learn More 

See pricing 

Source is Azure Business News

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