Azure portal now offers in context observability for AKS object overviews

An encouraging new conversation around sustainable IT, says Nordic CIO

Source is Azure Business News

AKS portal blades now* show observability data powered by Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus. With this, customers can now more easily

  • Monitor your cluster’s performance
  • Ensure key workloads are healthy and running optimally
  • Troubleshoot issues with pending or failed pods

Users will see enhanced details for their lists of Namespaces and Workloads.

View CPU and memory utilization to choose which deployments to investigate​​​​


Analyze your resource utilization over time for on the Nodes, Namespaces, Workloads, and Pod blades.

The events and utilization summaries provide a snapshot view of your pod’s performance.

* Feature rollout is in progress over the next week and may not be immediately available

Source is Azure Business News

Vorig artikelPublic preview: Managed Prometheus visualizations for Azure Monitor container insights
Volgend artikelGenerally Available: KEDA in the Azure Portal