Public preview of the App Configuration Extension for AKS

Indefinite storage: What it is and why you might need it

Source is Azure Business News

We’re excited to introduce the public preview of the Azure App Configuration extension for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).  This extension allows you to install and manage Azure App Configuration Kubernetes Provider on your AKS cluster via Azure Resource Manager (ARM). The provider enables centralized management of application settings and feature flags within AKS clusters, using ConfigMaps and Secrets for streamlined management. With this extension you can enhance operational efficiency with Azure sourced Configuration, without modifying application code.

Key benefits include:

  • Dynamic Configuration: Update configurations without redeploying your applications, enabling faster iterations and reduced downtime.
  • Immutable Snapshots: Ensure secure deployment practices with unchangeable configuration snapshots.
  • Feature Management: Seamlessly control feature rollouts, allowing for safe and gradual feature deployment.
  • Experimentation: Drive continuous improvement and elevate business value through robust experimentation features.
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency: Improve overall efficiency with centralized management of configuration data of all services running in AKS clusters.
  • Replica Auto-Discovery and Failover: Achieve scalability and enhanced resiliency against transient failures and regional outages.

Get started today by following this setup guide.

Source is Azure Business News

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