Visual Studio Code extension for sAzure Web PubSub now in preview

Oracle enhances customer experience platform with a B2B refresh

Source is Azure Business News

To minimize context switching between development tools and improve developer productivity, Azure Web PubSub now offers a Visual Studio Code extension (in preview).  

Developers can use this extension to:

  • View, create, delete, and restart Azure Web PubSub resources
  • View, create, and delete hub settings
  • View, create, delete and update event handlers
  • View resource metrics
  • Scale up and scale out
  • Check resource health
  • Re-generate access key
  • Copy connection string or endpoint of the service to clipboard
  • Switch the anonymous connect policy of hub setting
  • Attach Azure Web PubSub local tunnel tool
  • View realtime resource logging during development



Source is Azure Business News

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