dinsdag 21 mei, 2024
Source is ComputerWeekly.com For a growing number of organisations, the default option for new IT projects is the cloud and cloud storage, with even the more cautious businesses have adopted “cloud-first” or “cloud-preferred” strategies. That’s because startups and fast-growing firms can build infrastructure in the cloud that would be...
‘Gebruik van cloud-oplossingen bij Nederlandse organisaties blijft groeien’ ...
Source is ComputerWeekly.com The shift in consumer habits brought about by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic are writ large over the first quarter results of online retail giant Amazon, with the company posting a profit three times larger than it was 12 months ago. During the three months...
Almere – Almere, 1 juli 2020 – Vandaag is NLDatastore officieel gelanceerd, een 100% Nederlandse IaaS cloud. De software, het personeel en de locatie van de onderliggende infrastructuur zijn volledig Nederlands. Hierdoor kunnen zij gebruik maken van cloud resource waarmee ingespeeld op de toenemende behoefte van organisaties om gebruik...
‘Meer regie nodig op vestiging van datacenters in Amsterdam en Haarlemmermeer’ ...
Source is ComputerWeekly.com Oracle chief technology officer and founder Larry Ellison endorsed a radical vision of what generative artificial intelligence (AI) could achieve in the future during his keynote speech at Oracle CloudWorld 2023 in Las Vegas. He told attendees not to underestimate the technology. “ChatGPT has captured our...
Het Data Literacy Project, de community die zich inzet om de maatschappij vloeiend ‘data’ te laten spreken, introduceert het eerste wereldwijd erkende diploma waarmee mensen hun...
Source is ComputerWeekly.com Nvidia’s datacentre business has reported growth of 409% over a single year. The company’s CEO, Jensen Huang, puts this down to what he sees as a shift in the way datacentres are being run. During the earnings call for the quarter ended 28 January 2024, Huang spoke...
Source is ComputerWeekly.com The government is unequivocal in its belief that the private sector has a critical role to play in the UK’s transition to a net-zero economy by 2050, but more must be done to make it easier for enterprises to adopt and develop their own green technologies...
Source is ComputerWeekly.com Apple and IBM are among the handful of IT firms to emerge as inaugural members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) climate change-tackling consortium. The companies have joined the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC), a cross-industry initiative geared towards accelerating the development pace of...