maandag 6 mei, 2024
Source is It has become a truism that data is the driver for businesses. We have all heard the clichés about data becoming the new oil and how companies should be making the most of all the available data they have as it will lead to untold riches,...
Source is OVO Energy-backed technology platform Kaluza has revealed details of how it is using Google Cloud to underpin its push to become a carbon-negative entity by 2030. Kaluza’s software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform was born out of OVO Energy in 2019 and is supplied under licence to other energy...
Source is In 1987, the United Nations Brundtland Commission defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. It is doubtful that ICT will ever meet this criterion, as the use of energy to mine, process,...
Source is Datacentre operators from across the UK and Ireland have opened up about the financial challenges their businesses are facing on the back of soaring energy costs. In a survey of 253 datacentre professionals from the UK and Ireland, commissioned by Aggreko, more than 60% said their...
Source is NVMe-over-TCP 5x cheaper than equivalent NVMe-over-Ethernet (ROCE) solutions – that’s the promise of Lightbits LightOS, which enables customers to build flash-based SAN storage clusters on commodity hardware and using Intel network cards. Lightbits demoed the system to show performance equivalent to NVMe-over-Fibre Channel or ROCE/Ethernet – both...

XaaS (anything as a service)

Source is What is XaaS (anything as a service)? XaaS is a collective term that refers to the delivery of anything as a service. It encompasses the many products, tools and technologies that vendors deliver to users as a service over a network -- typically, the internet...
Source is In the post-pandemic world, digital transformation just means progress. Technology underpins every aspect of a business’s performance – how it operates and innovates, engages customers, connects with its people and handles its role in society. Having access to the right digital resources is therefore central to...
Source is Over the past 36 months, organisations the world over have made bold promises and commitments to become net zero with increasingly ambitious deadlines. While this is great to see, it does pose one key question: how are you going to do this and how will progress...


Source is What is an electron? An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free (not bound). An electron that is bound to an atom is one of the three primary types of particles within the atom --...
Source is Tata Communications has entered into a partnership with Genesys to enhance its InstaCC platform with digital features to transform enterprise customer engagement. The two firms said the increased adoption of cloud, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing intelligent and efficient customer enterprise interactions, noting Gartner...