Amazon CodeGuru helps you automate code reviews and improve code quality with recommendations powered by machine learning and automated reasoning. You can use CodeGuru Reviewer to detect potential defects and bugs that are hard to find, and CodeGuru Profiler to fine-tune the performance of your applications based on live...
Wat is ‘Digital Ethics’ en waarom is het relevant om als organisatie hierbij stil te staan? Volgens het Centrum van Ethiek en Gezondheid (CEG) is de definitie van ethiek: “Het nadenken over goed handelen”. Wanneer ethiek wordt toegepast binnen de technologische sector wordt er gesproken over ‘Digital Ethics’. Deze...
According to research done by the AWS Shield Threat Research Team, up to 51% of traffic heading into typical web applications originates from scripts running on machines, also known as bots. A wide variety of bots – some wanted, some unwanted – are hitting your endpoints.
Wanted bots are crawling...
A DNS lookup is typically the starting point for establishing outbound connections within a network. Unwanted direct communication between Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources and internet services could be prevented using AWS services like security groups, network access control lists (ACLs) or AWS Network Firewall. These services filter...
When we launched Amazon CloudWatch back in 2009 (New Features for Amazon EC2: Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, and Amazon CloudWatch), it tracked performance metrics (CPU load, Disk I/O, and network I/O) for EC2 instances, rolled them up at one-minute intervals, and stored them for two weeks. At that...
Je kent het vast wel: je bent bij familie over de vloer, de gespreksstof wordt langzaam een beetje minder en je pakt even je telefoon erbij. Scrollend door jouw Instagram of Facebook tijdlijn kom je opeens een reclame tegen voor een zwangerschapstest. Maar waar komt die vandaan? Je weet...