DNA chooses AFIBER connectivity
DNA chooses AFIBER connectivity

Dark fiber between your optical network equipment

We deliver single and redundant fiber connections to data centers, customer locations and carrier interconnects. The core of our network in Dutch Metro areas provides access to data centers, network carriers and office locations.

  • Metro Fiber Standard
    Dark fiber between data centers delivered in a few days.


  • Metro Fiber Individual
    Dark fiber connection with a route tailored exactly to your needs.


  • Metro Fiber to the Office
    Dark fiber connection between office locations and data centers.


  • Metro Fiber Carrier
    Dark fiber connection on nx12-pair or dedicated nx192s cable over tailored routes and flexible splice-in locations.

Matthew Whittaker-Williams – IP Engineer at NTT Communications
“NTT’s global network is optimized for the cloud utilizing NFV and SDN technology. With operations in more than 190 countries worldwide, our highly reliable enterprise network services comprise VPN services, Hybrid WAN, Internet and cloud connectivity. Building customer and backbone connectivity involves multiple challenges combining carriers and points of presence. This involves meticulous design and planning of network routing. With AFIBER we experience full support from both their technical team as from their partners. Awesome!”

Choose your connectivity

On-net services can be configured below, for custom requests get in touch with our sales engineers at

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Vorig artikelISPConnect organiseert voor de zesde keer Dutch Night @CloudFest
Volgend artikelWAVE [NL]