Honeywell Sets New Record For Quantum Computing Performance March 9, 2021

Honeywell Sets New Record For Quantum Computing Performance March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021 — Honeywell Quantum Solutions’ streak of setting new records for quantum volume continues.

Through performance upgrades, System Model H1 achieved a quantum volume of 512, the highest measured on a commercial quantum computer to date. It is the third time in nine months Honeywell has set a record for quantum volume on one of its systems.

The milestone represents a four-fold increase in performance for the System Model H1, which set a record when it was released in September 2020 with a quantum volume of 128.

This high performance, combined with low error mid-circuit measurement, provides unique capabilities with which quantum algorithm developers can innovate.

How we did it

The System Model H1 operations have continued to improve since it was first released.

The average single-qubit gate fidelity for this milestone was 99.991(8)%, the average two-qubit gate fidelity was 99.76(3)% with fully-connected qubits, and measurement fidelity was 99.75(3)%. We ran 300 circuits with 20 shots each, using standard QV optimization techniques to yield an average of 76.82 two-qubit gates per circuit.

The System Model H1 successfully passed the quantum volume 512 benchmark, outputting heavy outcomes 73.32% of the time, which is above the 2/3 threshold with 99.54% confidence.

The plot above shows the heavy outcomes for Honeywell Quantum Solutions’ tests of quantum volume and the dates when each test passed. All tests are above the 2/3 threshold to pass the respective Quantum Volume. Circles indicate heavy outcome averages and the violin plots show the histogram distributions. Data colored in blue show system performance results and red show modeled, noise-included simulation data. White markers are the lower 2-sigma error bounds.

The plot above shows the individual heavy outcomes for each Quantum Volume 512 run. The blue line is an average of heavy outcomes and the red line is the lower 2-sigma error bar which crosses the 2/3 threshold after 151 circuits.

Honeywell’s quantum systems are accessible directly and through ecosystem partner platforms, including Microsoft’s Azure Quantum, Cambridge Quantum Computing’s tket, Zapata Computing’s Orquestra, and the Strangeworks QC platform. In addition to offering high-fidelity, fully connected qubits, our system features a unique combination of mid-circuit measurement, qubit reuse and conditional logic, which enables users to explore new classes of algorithms and to greatly reduce the number of qubits needed for certain algorithms.

Originally published by
HPC Wire

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