10 Open Source Recon Tools for Pen Testing

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Recon is the initial stage in the penetration testing process, says HelpNetSecurity. “It’s a vital phase allowing the tester to understand their target and strategize their moves.” 

This article covers 10 open source recon tools worth checking out, including:

  • Altdns — A DNS recon tool that allows for the discovery of subdomains that conform to patterns
  • Amass — An OWASP project that performs network mapping of attack surfaces
  • HTTPX — A fully featured HTTP client library for Python 3.
  • Naabu — A port scanning tool written in Go 

Learn more at HelpNetSecurity.

See also:
Best Linux Distros for Security and Forensics
Free Cybersecurity Resources for Protecting Your Organization
New Ransomware Guidelines Issued by CISA
What Is Ethical Hacking?

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