General availability: Inbound ICMPv6 pings and traceroute are now supported on Azure Load Balancer

An encouraging new conversation around sustainable IT, says Nordic CIO

Source is Azure Business News

Standard Public Load Balancer now supports inbound ICMP pings on IPv6 frontends as well as inbound tracerouting support to both IPv4 and IPv6 frontends. This is an addition to our previous announcement of ICMPv4 pings support on Azure Load Balancer. Now, you can ping and traceroute to both IPv4 and IPv6 frontend of a Standard Public Load Balancer like you natively would on an on-premises device without any external software needed. This enables you to troubleshoot network issues, identify network bottlenecks, verify network paths, and monitor network performance between Azure Load Balancer and your client device.

This functionality is generally available in all public regions, Azure China cloud regions, and Azure Government cloud regions.

Learn more about how to ping and traceroute to a load balancer frontend.

Source is Azure Business News

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