Project Azure FarmBeats will be retired on 30 Sep 2023 – transition to Azure Data Manager for Agriculture.

Oracle enhances customer experience platform with a B2B refresh

Source is Azure Business News

Project Azure FarmBeats will be retired on 30 Sep 2023, please transition to Data Manager for Agriculture by that date.  

The new Azure Data Manager for Agriculture is an improved PaaS version of Project Azure FarmBeats. Azure Data Manager for Agriculture extends the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform with industry-specific data connectors and capabilities to connect farm data from disparate sources, enabling organizations to leverage high-quality datasets and accelerate the development of digital agriculture solutions. The rearchitected PaaS service is designed for a smooth onboarding process, meaning customers won’t have to provision multiple resources and we will take care of all the complexity behind the scenes. Azure Data Manager for Agriculture both provides better performance and is streamlined for scale (Ex: faster ingestion of satellite data in seconds). The new service provides enhanced features and supports data related to satellite imagery, weather, farm operations, sensors, event notifications, and more. It natively supports agronomic constructs like farms, fields, seasons, crops, management zones, prescription maps, etc. There is no limitation to work with an approved list of weather service or sensor providers. The extensibility framework can help customers to work with any weather service and sensor providers of their choice.   

We encourage you to transition to Azure Data Manager for Agriculture prior to the retirement date to experience the new capabilities of Azure Data Manager for Agriculture including [Easy onboarding, scalability, industry validated CDM and extensible data ingestion]. 
From now to September 30, 2023 you can continue to use Project Azure FarmBeats without disruption. On September 30, 2023 — workloads running Project Azure FarmBeats will not be supported. Resources in your infrastructure will not be deleted and you will continue to access your data.  

Source is Azure Business News

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