General availability: ExpressRoute Direct and Circuit in different subscriptions

Indefinite storage: What it is and why you might need it

Source is Azure Business News

ExpressRoute Direct customers will be able to manage network costs, connect ExpressRoute circuits from multiple subscriptions with one ExpressRoute direct Port resource, and isolate management of ExpressRoute Direct resource from your ExpressRoute circuits.  

Previously, ExpressRoute circuits and ExpressRoute Direct resources were created in one subscription, you then could connect their circuit to a Virtual Network resource that is located in a different subscription using an authorization. 

With this feature today, you can create the Port and ExpressRoute circuit in different subscriptions redeeming the authorizations to create a circuit. 

Learn more about Azure ExpressRoute

Source is Azure Business News

Vorig artikelPublic preview: ExpressRoute Scalable Gateway
Volgend artikelGeneral availability: ExpressRoute as a Trusted Service