GitHub’s For Good First Issue Program Highlights Digital Public Goods

Moving from Software Developer to Team Lead

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GitHub has launched For Good First Issue, a curated list of open source projects that are also digital public goods and that need the help of developers.

Digital public goods (DPGs) are considered to be “open-source software, open standards, open data, open AI systems, and open content collections that adhere to privacy and other applicable laws and best practices, do no harm, and help attain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” And, the For Good First Issue program is aimed at bringing open source developers and DPGs together to facilitate contributions to these projects.

“Nonprofits often lack funding and resources to solve society’s challenges through tech solutions. Our hope is that through this new program, we can inch closer to bridging the gap between open source technologies and positive change,” says Sidney Espinosa in the announcement.

Browse the projects and read more at GitHub.

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