Generally Available: Support for Cross Region Restore for PostgreSQL backups

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Source is Azure Business News

Cross Region Restore of PostgreSQL backups using Azure Backup is now generally available. Azure Backup uses Read-Access Geo Redundant Storage (RA-GRS) that stores three replicas of backup data across each of the two paired regions. While Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) allows you to access your secondary region backups when Azure declares a disaster, enabling Cross Region Restore allows you to access and do restore operation from the backups residing in the paired region at all the times, which includes non-outage scenarios.

Enable the Cross Region Restore option when:

Currently, this feature is available for PostgreSQL backups in all public regions. With this, Azure Backup offers a compelling set of durability options for your backup data residing in Backup vaults, including Zonally-redundant Storage (ZRS) for intra-region high durability, Locally-redundant storage (LRS) for low-cost single region durability, and Geo-redundant storage (GRS) for high durability across regions when the primary region is unavailable. By enabling Cross Region Restore feature, you can also access the secondary region backup data from Azure Backup even without an outage.

Learn more about Cross Region Restore for PostgreSQL.

Source is Azure Business News

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