General Availability: Virtual private network (VPN) with Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra

The next decade in enterprise backup

Source is Azure Business News

Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra nodes requires access to many other Azure services when they’re injected into your virtual network. Normally, access is enabled by ensuring that your virtual network has outbound access to the internet. If your security policy prohibits outbound access, you can configure firewall rules or user-defined routes for the appropriate access.  
However, if you have internal security concerns about data exfiltration, your security policy might prohibit direct access to these services from your virtual network. By using a virtual private network (VPN) with Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra, you can ensure that data nodes in the virtual network communicate with only a single VPN endpoint, with no direct access to any other services. 

Learn more.  

Source is Azure Business News

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