.Net Standard user-defined functions for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024.

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Source is Azure Business News

.Net Standard user-defined functions for Azure Stream Analytics will be retired on 30 September 2024. After that date, it won’t be possible to use the feature. Please transition to JavaScript user-defined functions for Azure Stream Analytics. 

We released support for .Net Standard user-defined functions in public preview for Azure Stream Analytics to let customers invoke their own functions written in any .NET Standard language (C#, F#, etc.) to extend the Stream Analytics query language. While in preview it became a valuable tool for many, but overall adoption didn’t grow as much as we hoped. As a result of this ongoing effort, we have made the difficult decision to retire .Net Standard user-defined functions for Azure Stream Analytics. 

Required action 

We highly recommend you replace your .net standard user-defined functions with JavaScript user-defined functions in Azure Stream Analytics. JavaScript user-defined functions support stateless, compute-only scalar functions that don’t require external connectivity. The return value of a function can only be a scalar (single) value. After you add a JavaScript user-defined function to a job, you can use the function anywhere in the query, like a built-in scalar function. 


e the function anywhere in the query, like a built-in scalar function. 


Help and support  

While no new features and updates will be added, we’ll continue to provide technical support and recommendations regarding the .Net Standard user-defined function until it is retired on 30 September 2024. We’re committed to assisting you in migrating to alternative solutions as seamlessly as possible. Our support team will be available to address any queries or concerns you may have.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us

Learn more about service retirements that may impact your resources in the Azure Retirement Workbook. Please note that retirements may not be visible in the workbook for up to two weeks after being announced. 

Source is Azure Business News

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