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Covid-19 continues to teach us about our developing reliance on digital technologies, particularly the social impact of this transition. Current calls...
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If our health service was as digitised as the financial services industry, imagine how different our response to Covid-19 might have...
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Fears that the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic could trigger a significant weakening of Finland’s IT sector are subsiding thanks...
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Taking a break to read the news, watch YouTube videos, binge on Netflix, fit in a workout, play videogames, doom-scroll on...
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The Ukrainian authorities have confirmed the widely reported disruption and takedown of the Egregor ransomware operation, saying cyber specialists from the...
Source is New York Times
Josh Frydenberg, who as federal treasurer would have enormous discretion over the new legislation, has media ties of his...
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Software developers who want to earn the most should be working in Munich, at least according to, the recruitment platform...
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Sweden’s central bank, Riksbank, has extended a project to build an understanding of how a digital currency might work, including what technology...
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Although the function of the chief information security officer’s (CISO’s) role has not fundamentally changed since the first recorded CISO was...
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With only a proportion of developers classified as key workers, the majority of programmers will have been forced to work remotely,...