Welcome to FOSSlife

Welcome to FOSSlife

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We’re proud to announce the launch of FOSSlife – a new web magazine dedicated to the world of free and open source software.

The Free software community has been around for more than 30 years, and it has succeeded beyond anyone’s dreams. Free and open source software drives the Internet, runs the most powerful supercomputers in the world, and lights up the laptops of Fortune 500 executives. In fact, FOSS has become so popular that many people don’t even recognize it as a thing anymore and think of it simply as the way we live.

But FOSS really is a thing, with challenges, threats, opportunities, and plenty of reasons to celebrate. The FOSS life is about community, it is about advocacy, and it is about bringing people together and building sustainable, accessible solutions. Most of all, FOSSlife is about the software: inventive, expressive, powerful software that is able, stable, and refreshingly free of hype.

We created FOSSlife to serve as a destination for everyone who cares about the FOSS community and wants to follow the trends, tools, projects, programs, and people who define the FOSS experience. We also serve as an entry point for those who are new to FOSS and are taking their first steps to explore the exciting world of free software.

Stop by for the latest news, as well as feature articles on FOSS technology and FOSS advocacy. We’ll also bring you FOSS success stories and share our favorite posts, videos, and podcasts on topics of interest to the FOSS community.

If you want a convenient weekly summary of what’s new at the site, sign up for our newsletter. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. We invite you to come back often and share our stories with others you know who are happy to be living the FOSS life!

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