GitHub Offers OSPO Resources for Organizations

Overcome Common Agile Pitfalls

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GitHub has formed an open source repository “to help organizations build up their own Open Source Program Office (OSPO).” 

The github-ospo repository offers “a collection of tools, processes, and best practices that our own OSPO team uses to help us manage our open source initiatives, says GitHub. The resources include:

  • Guides for improving your organization page on GitHub
  • GitHub’s own policies for using and releasing open source projects
  • GitHub’s strategy for identifying and supporting open source foundations, which stabilizes the open source we depend on.

As the use of open source continues to grow, OSPOs provide an important resource to help companies manage adoption, use, support, participation, and development of open source software. Check out the repository and learn how to get started. 

Ready to find a job? Check out the latest job listings at Open Source JobHub.

Contact FOSSlife to learn about partnership and sponsorship opportunities.

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