Retirement notice: The legacy Azure Storage Go client libraries will be retired on 13 September 2024

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Source is Azure Business News

Legacy Azure Storage Go client libraries will be retired on 13 September 2024. Before that date, you’ll need to transition to the latest version of the Azure Storage Go client libraries.

After 13 September 2024, the older client libraries can still be used, but any associated updates will no longer be issued by Microsoft. If you choose not to switch to the latest version of the Azure Storage Go client libraries, you can find the source code for the legacy Azure Storage Go client libraries on GitHub as an open-source resource.

Recommended action

To access data in your storage account(s), transition to the latest version of the Azure Storage Go client libraries by 13 September 2024. Please refer to our following migration guides:

Help and support

If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Microsoft Q&A. If you have a support plan and you need technical help regarding the Azure Storage Go client libraries, create a support request.

  1. Under Issue type, select Technical
  2. Under Subscription, select your subscription. 
  3. Under Service, select All services, then select Blob Storage
  4. Under Summary, type a description of your issue. 
  5. Under Problem type, select Development
  6. Under Problem subtype, select Client library or SDK.

Source is Azure Business News

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