General Availability: Standard network features support in US Gov regions

Oracle enhances customer experience platform with a B2B refresh

Source is Azure Business News

Azure NetApp Files capabilty to create new volumes with standard network features is now generally available in US Gov regions (VA, TX, & AZ). These standard network features deliver enhanced Virtual Networking experience for non-Azure host-based workloads like Azure NetApp Files.

Below, you’ll find an overview of the network features accessible through the standard network features.

  • Increased Route Scale: VNets with ANF volumes now enjoy an increased route scale of 64K, equivalent to VMs.
  • Enhanced Network Security: Support for Network Security Groups (NSGs) on the ANF delegated subnets ensures heightened network security.
  • Improved Network Control: Customers can now exercise greater network control with support for User Defined Routes (UDRs) to and from ANF delegated subnets.
  • On-Premises Connectivity: Establish connectivity between ANF and on-premises environments through an Active/Active VPN Gateway setup.
  • ExpressRoute FastPath Connectivity: Experience ExpressRoute FastPath connectivity to ANF volumes for all scenarios, including Azure VMware Solution.
  • Cross-Region Mount Volumes: Enable customers to mount volumes in a peered VNet across regions or global peering, facilitating cross-region accessibility.
  • Private Link and Service Endpoint Support: Enjoy support for Private Link and service endpoints for Azure NetApp Files.
  • VWAN Support: Azure Virtual WAN (VWAN) now integrates seamlessly with Azure NetApp Files.

learn more about the standard network features:  Guidelines for Azure NetApp Files network planning | Microsoft Learn

Source is Azure Business News

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