We're retiring Memory Optimized Data Flows in Azure Data Factory – use General Purpose for better performance at a lower price.

An encouraging new conversation around sustainable IT, says Nordic CIO

Source is Azure Business News

You’re receiving this notification because you’re currently using Azure Data Factory Memory Optimized Data Flows. 

Azure Data Factory Memory Optimized Data Flows will be fully retired on 1 April 2027. Going forward, all Azure Data Factory Data Flows will use the General Purpose SKU that will provide performance that is superior to current Memory Optimized and at the General Purpose price. 

Beginning 1 April 2024, the creation of new Azure Data Factory Memory Optimized Data Flows will be discontinued until it is fully retired on 1 April 2027. You may use General Purpose Azure Data Factory Data Flows which will provide better performance at a lower price. 

Required action 

To avoid disruptions, we recommend these actions: 

Existing pipelines can continue to use existing memory optimized data flows, but can’t create new Azure Integration Runtimes using Memory Optimized. 

To create new data flows, create a new Azure Integration Runtime using Memory Optimized instead of General Purpose. 

User will then assign general purpose IRs to existing and new data flows instead of using Memory Optimized, which will provide better performance at a lower price. 

Help and support 

If you have questions, get answers from community experts in Microsoft Q&A. If you have a support plan and you need technical help, create a support request

Under Issue type, select Technical

Under Subscription, select your subscription. 

Under Service, select My services, then select Data Factory

Under Summary, type a description of your issue. 

Under Problem type, select Mapping Data Flow

Source is Azure Business News

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