ISPConnect and DHPA welcome Amazon Web Services (AWS) as partner of their respective professional communities


ISPConnect, de Nederlandse branchevereniging voor internet service providers en DHPA, brancheorganisatie van cloud- en hostingproviders in Nederland, kondigen met trots aan dat Amazon Web Services (AWS), pionier op het gebied van cloud computing, zich aansluit bij hun organisaties als technologiepartner. AWS kan als partner van beide branchevertegenwoordigers bedrijven van alle groottes informeren over hoe zij zich kunnen ontwikkelen en eindklanten die cloud gebruiken beter van dienst kunnen zijn. Het partnership biedt ook gelegenheid om te praten over hybride oplossingen voor klanten die de beste combinatie tussen hun eigen infrastructuur en de cloud willen en moeten vindenLees onderstaand het volledige, Engelstalige persbericht.

ISPConnect, the Dutch trade organization for internet Service Providers, and DHPA, the cloud and hosting providers association in the Netherlands, and are pleased to announce that  Amazon Web Services (AWS), the pioneer of cloud computing, join their associations as technology partner.

Starting in 2019, AWS will collaborate to professional events organized by these associations. “We are very happy to welcome AWS in our associations”, says Ruud Alaerds, Director of DHPA. “The digital sector that is of fast growing importance for the economy in the Netherlands, already underpinning high-impact sectors such as energy, healthcare, finance, education and government services. Cloud computing will be indispensable in this process going forward.”

“Having AWS joining our association is a major step forward for the Dutch cloud industry. It creates unique opportunities to engage in fruitful dialogue and develop ways for the independent cloud providers to work together with the public cloud to work on the solutions that our clients need to prepare for the digitalized world of the future” says Simon Besteman, Director of ISPConnect.

By having AWS joining the associations, we aim to inform all sizes companies on how they can develop their business and better serve their final customers using the cloud. It is also an opportunity to talk about hybrid solutions for customers who want & need to find the best combination between their own infrastructure and the cloud.

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