zaterdag 29 maart, 2025

Cooperation with Zayo Group

February 4, 2020 Zayo, a global provider of mission-critical bandwidth, has selected AFIBER for delivery of customer connectivity services and dark fiber solutions. Zayo offers...
January 17, 2020 AFIBER is looking for a Senior Account Manager who is just as passionate about creating, qualifying, developing and closing sales opportunities as...

Youfone kiest voor AFIBER

Youfone is een Nederlandse onafhankelijke telecomprovider, opgericht in 2008 door Valentijn Rensing in Rotterdam.Youfone biedt slimme, innovatieve producten en diensten tegen een concurrerende prijs....
Coronacrisis en de snellere overstap naar digitale zorg Ziekenhuizen en andere zorginstellingen in Nederland staan voor grote uitdagingen en strategische keuzes rond hun zorgaanbod, de...
September 17, 2019 Arcadiz is a leading optical Network Integrator with experience in designing, building, maintaining and monitoring business critical telecommunication networks. AFIBER and Arcadiz...


Flexibility in high-performance optical connectivity Single and multiple wavelength connections can be routed to data centers and customer locations, delivering flexibility and the highest performance...
January 9, 2020 AFIBER has released a secure API for our carrier and managed services partners to add the AFIBER network into front- and back-end...


Dark fiber between your optical network equipment We deliver single and redundant fiber connections to data centers, customer locations and carrier interconnects. The core of...
Join us at Kickstart Europe 2020 Source link
January 6, 2020 AFIBER invites you to join us at the annual strategy and networking summit on digital infrastructure, Kickstart Europe - January 27-28 at...